Autodrive course for Küntrop in the Sauerland Map v1.0

Autodrive course for Küntrop in the Sauerland Map v1.0

AD route network for the map “Küntrop” from Daddl_Nation.
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Direct link to the map: Küntrop in the Sauerland
Out of respect for my work, please always use the original link, thank you very much. The route network was completely created by Der_Renter_Marc.
We (NikkiCat21, Michaela, Ansgar0812 and Der_Rentner_Marc) tested it with various vehicles, but it can still happen that it doesn’t fit 100% in one place or another. Please report something like this to me so that I can correct it or correct it for yourself.
The course was only created and tested with “vanilla” vehicles. If you use mod vehicles, I do not guarantee that they will behave like the vanilla vehicles. If you have problems with mod vehicles, you should or must adapt the course accordingly.
The card is generally for vehicles, trailers etc. up to MAX. Medium size designed. Therefore, trailers with more than 2 axles should be avoided. Due to narrow roads in places, large vehicles (e.g. threshers, harvesters, etc.) should be driven yourself or at least accompanied by observation.
The following was driven in: – all streets, field paths and all associated intersections and junctions including right-of-way rules – all yards including unloading and removal points, bunker silos, stables and pastures, parking spaces, workshops, etc. – all fields and meadows including catch lines – all Productions as well as purchasing and sales points BGA’s completely retracted including wedge silo bunker water intake point on the river

Note: The appropriate map and vehicle settings have already been saved as standard in the config. You can transfer them to existing ones using the “Restore” button. Otherwise: Activate folder, collision height above ground to: “1.25 m” Collision detection to “FS 19”, max. silo distance to 25 m, field exit: “Nearest”. The AI ​​traffic can stay on; if a traffic jam should arise, it usually clears itself up a short time later.

Credits: Der_Rentner_Marc
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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