Farming Simulator 22 takes realism very seriously, providing a great farming environment that isn’t just all fun. That’s why FS22 can be a bit tedious at times, especially if you’re a beginner with little information about the game. We’re here to help out though, so make sure to take a look at our Farming Simulator 22 starting guide given below. Continue reading to learn all about the best Farming Simulator 22 tips and tricks available for beginners.
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⇓ Farming Simulator 22 Tips and Tricks ⇓
Buying Fields
The first tip in our Farming Simulator 22 beginner’s guide is one about managing time and resources. Nearby fields are always being worked on by AI players, so make sure to only purchase them after they’ve been properly set up and cultivated to make things easier on yourself.
Focus on Awareness
The next thing out of our Farming Simulator 22 tips that you should keep in mind is something that’s already been discussed, which is that FS22 focuses on realism. This means that your vehicles, equipment, and crops will easily be damaged if you don’t take good care of them. Stay aware, especially while riding vehicles so you don’t run things over.
Lease Machinery
As a beginner, one of the best Farming Simulator 22 tips that anyone can give you is to lease all of your machinery at first. These are already great machines that cannot be modified or upgraded available at very cheap prices, making them good options just at the start of the game.
Start at Ravenport
One other tip on our Farming Simulator 22 guide is to start at Ravenport. It is an easy to maneuver area, and unlike some other maps, it even comes with a tutorial that can help you get started with the game.
Farming Simulator Animals Guide
This next part of our Farming Simulator 22 guide is all about animals. While most of them are pretty easy to handle, there are two in particular which can be problematic, but rewarding if you know how to deal with them. These are discussed below.
Horses: Arguably one of the most important aspects of any Farming Simulator 22 horses guide or FS22 guide, in general, is to ensure you take very good care of them especially. Brush them, ride them regularly, and provide them with straw.
Pigs: As for the Farming Simulator 22 pigs guide, there’s not a lot to be said about them. Just feed them as much as you can and pay special attention to their reproduction, as pig sales in high quantities are very important to your budget.