BDM-U Pack v1.0
The universal upgraded BDM-U disc harrow, manufactured by Donagromash, is designed for crushing and introducing plant residues from the previous crop, eliminating weeds and creating a loose, leveled soil layer. The kit includes trailed devices with a working width from 3 to 9 meters. Two-row aggregates form the soil layer “stubble cultivation”, and four-row aggregates form “cultivated”.
Cost: 14 000 – 38 000 units;
Working width: 3 – 9.0 m;
Required power: 110 – 320 hp;
Operating speed: 15 km/h;
The ability to choose the main color;
Design color options;
Rim Color Alternatives;
Setting up Decals;
The configuration of the reflectors;
Dynamic hoses;
Possibility of contamination and cleaning;
The effect of aging.
Includes the following models:
– BDM-3x2P;
– BDM-3x4P;
– BDM-4x2P;
– BDM-4x4P;
– BDM U-5x2P;
– BDM-5x4P;
– BDM U-6x2PG;
– BDM U-6x4PG;
– BDM U-7x2PG;
– BDM U-8x2PG;
– BDM U-9x2PG.