Farming Simulator 22: Cross-platform multiplayer
Good news, everyone! Farming Simulator 22 will feature cross-platform multiplayer. No more separation between friends on different systems – everyone can play together, regardless of their preferred platform.
So, get your controller-wielding buddies online and show’em how precise you can harvest those new grapes with mouse and keyboard (or the other way around)!
Crossplay FAQ: What you should know
Which platforms are supported?
Crossplay is supported by Farming Simulator 22 on PC, Mac, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Stadia. Everyone can play together!
How many people can play together?
If the server host is hosting from a PC, up to 16 players are possible, including players on consoles. If using a game console to host the server, up to 6 players are possible, in total.
When playing on a dedicated server hosted by Nitrado, up to 16 players are possible, regardless of the players’ systems.
Can console players rent and host servers?
Yes. Console players can rent and host their own servers via Nitrado, and other providers too. Just like PC players.
Can I deactivate crossplay?
If you’re worried, other players might be superior at farming because of mouse and keyboard controls: don’t worry, they won’t be. But, you can still use filters to avoid crossplay servers, and prevent players on other platforms from joining your server.
On PlayStation and Xbox consoles, you can disable it in the system user preferences. Make sure to allow crossplay for the console user to make this feature available in-game.
Is cross-saving possible?
Only the host is saving the progress. Farm progression is not saved for everyone else.
How will DLCs & mods affect crossplay?
Every player has to have the same content (DLCs and/or mods) installed as the server host. Otherwise, players with missing content can’t join the server. Console users can only join servers with mods that are available through the official ModHub on consoles. Stadia users can only join servers with no mods activated.
How will slots (consoles) affect cross-platform multiplayer?
The hosting platform is setting the initial limit of available slots (determining the maximum number of machines, tools, etc. on the server). If a player with fewer slots available on his platform is joining the game, he will set the new slot limit for everyone based on his platform.
If a server has already more slots occupied than supported by your platform, joining the server won’t be possible. Since old-gen and current-gen consoles differ in terms of available slots, too, console players have to keep in mind the slot count when playing with friends using a console from a different hardware generation.
Is there a limitation to the amount of bales?
There is no limit to the amount of bales on PC-hosted servers. The limit for bales on consoles hosted servers is 200.
Joint farming: Uniting PC and consoles
Thanks to crossplay, cooperative farming will be more fun than ever. Work the fields together, occupy different farms, and help each other out where you can. With production chains becoming part of Farming Simulator 22, there’s even more to do, now.
In other news: the latest fashion
That’s not all: So everyone can farm together in (their own) style, the new character creator also allows for various new customization options. Just in time for crossplay. Stay tuned, we’ll show it to you very soon. Get ready to put on shiny rubber boots, some cool glasses, and glorious mustaches.