Fed Mods Pack ball storage and liquid storage V1.2
Mod Pack 1.2
New liquid store for storing water, diesel, Adblue, liquid fertilizer, herbicides, milk, silage additives, liquid manure, and fermentation residues
Ball storage hall for storing bales or loose straw, grass, silage, hay, and alfalfa. Output in bales of any kind (thanks to the script from Achimobil) or loose
New XL BGA drive-through silo
The walls of the BGA wedge silo increased and improved
The 3 smaller silos are no longer recognized as silo extensions
Various recommended texture improvements
Fed Mods Pack 1.1
– BGA wedge silo with acceptance of alfalfa
– Silos expanded to include lucerne bales
Better late than never. This is now my FED Mod Pack. The package is a summary of all platziebare mods from me.
The Fed Mods package currently consists of
6 Multisilos with bale intake + 4 expansion silos
Lime station for purchase and storage of lime, e.g. at the farm
Plant protection station for purchasing and storing herbicides, e.g. at the farm
Wood direct sales for the one-off sale of logs
More mods will follow in the coming weeks/months.
Have fun with it