Galgenberg4x Map v1.0.0.2
Welcome to Kirchen, a district of the large district town of Ehingen Donau, on the edge of the Schwäbische Alb.
The map is based on the scenic depiction of the place, with an original replica of a main courtyard and the course of the streets.
– LUA fix at Schweigert Farm Tomato pallets
What awaits you on the map:
– 1 original replica of the largest farm on site
– 6 more playable courtyards
– 1 free place to build a farm
– 100 fields, meadows and forest areas where everyone gets their money’s worth,
– Various outlets such as a country store,
– small productions such as allotments or apple orchards,
– small BGA
– horse farm,
– You can take water from the ponds or rivers,
– Forests for the tree-hoppers among you are plentiful
– Ready for precision farming
We wish you a lot of fun with the map
NOTE: This update will require a new savegame.
– Plow status errors etc. fixed
– Mist spawn at farm 1 fixed
– Hof Schweigert juice production pallets fixed
– Farm Schweigert fixed snow in the stable and farm shop
– Field number position adjusted
– PDA fruit pixels eliminated
– Pallet spawn mill fixed
– Vineyard fixed
– “Start from scratch” now has no farm assigned
– Various sales points removed from the missions
In order to preserve all changes there is a new save game
Even if you sell a cow shed or chicken house, you cannot install a new one.
That’s a disappointing map