Helicopter Ka-26 Agriculture v1.0.0.0

Helicopter Ka-26 Agriculture v1.0.0.0

Agricultural modification of the Ka-26 twin-engine multipurpose helicopter. The helicopter is designed for treating agricultural crops with pesticides, applying liquid or dry mineral fertilizers to the soil.

Fertilizer tank capacity: 800 l.
Working width: 40 meters.
Engines: piston М-14В-26, 2 х 325 hp
Maximum speed: 170 km / h.
Test for FS22 v1.1.1.0

Left mouse button – up. Right mouse button – down.
W – forward, S – backward, A – left, D – right.

ATTENTION! Possible conflict with other mods! Back up your saves!

Credits: Rush, Silak_68, werik
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FS25 Mods

Useful Information:
- Farming Simulator 22 Guide
- How to Install Farming Simulator 22 Mods
- How to Create Farming Simulator 22 Mods
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- Download Farming Simulator 22 Game
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2 Responses

  1. dankabeta says:

    cant work on dedi server.. I can buy it, I can start up it, but i cant take off …

  2. aerobroken says:

    This should work on a gamepad, only thing that doesn’t work now is forward and backwards. They could be assigned to the Y and A keybinds and use a *lua script with the main two *.xml files to use it. Could be setup for most controllers. Otherwise nice mod that looks to have been around several versions and still going strong. . If possible it would even be nice to bring it into the keybinds of FS22 as other mods have done and the user could bind them dif if needed for their setup.

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