IH Farmall 1066 Hydro v1.0
Hello There! If you remember correctly; yesterday I announced this tractor in my project status update, and here it is! Yes, I know, there is still work to be done, and it may be a bit lacking in some places, but this is only a beta version. Normally, I would credit people at this point, but I don’t have to today. This mod was built from the ground up all by me, which I am very proud of doing for the first time! Alright, let’s cut to the chase, what are the features?
Price – $40,000
Horsepower – 140
Configs – Weights (more to come later)
Wheels – Goodyear and Continental (again, more to come later)
Please report any bugs or things that don’t look quite right!
Thank you for stoping by, and Enjoy this mod.
Happy farming!