IHC 56/45 Pack V1.0
This is the IHC 56/45 pack including the 856, 845, 745 and 745swb (short wheelbase). these tractors have options for 2WD or 4WD, the 745swb only comes in 2WD.
-745swb, 74hp
-745xl, 74 hp
-845xl, 85 hp
-856xl, 86 hp
all tractors come with a lot of customization and IC.
with the ic you can open both doors the window and control some interior items.
on the outside you can control the doors, fenders and rear hitch.
the rear hitch is still beta because it does not work completely. this is only when you are using it from outside the tractor.
i put a lot of time in to it so i hop you like it. !!!DONT FORGET TO UNZIP THE DOWNLOADED FILE!!!, otherwise the mod won’t work.
Required mods