John Deere 2720 Disk Ripper v1.0.0.0
At some point in farming history the industry had an idea. Let’s combine a disk and a ripper to do two jobs at once! And so it was, the disk ripper was born. This John Deere 2720 is the successor to the decently successful John Deere 512, and Deere is still making it as of 2021.
This mod features two store options of the same mod, one that does subsoiling and one that does plowing. You can have it either way!
$37,899 Price
200 hp requirement
3.75m working width
Plowing or subsoiling store categories
This is a preliminary release before we have the GIANTS Editor. I will continue to update this mod as more tools are given to modders until I am completely satisfied with it. This is about the best modders can offer right now.
Shoutout to LBJ Modding for making this original mod, Blue Modding for doing the 19 conversion, and Appalaches Modding for making the 12 foot version in 19. I have specific permission to release this from the last modder, so here it is! Enjoy!