Ma/ag Pack v1.1
Changelog v.
– Added new model (Cultirapid PRO Bundle)
This Pack includes:
– ma/ag Cultilam 50:
Decompactor with Michel anchors, its working width is 5 m, while in transport it is 2.55 m. Weight 1650 kg.
The combined CULTILAM and VORTEX 50 unit requires a total power of 280/320HP depending on the soil.
Price: 16890 $
Needed Power: 150 HP
Working speed: 12 kph
Working width: 5 m
ma/ag Vortex VTXI 50T RA:
Multi-purpose disc harrow for working the soil, equally capable on firm or tilled soil, or after plowing.
The tool can be combined with a ma/ag CULTILAM 50 decompactor.
Price: 64690 $
Needed Power: 220 HP
Working speed: 21 kph
Working width: 5 m
Vortex Seeding System:
Price: 11900 $
– ma/ag Cultirapid PRO Bundle (Cultirapid + NXT DiscHarrow):
A multi-purpose tiller, it allows you to chop residue via the front discs, get the benefit of ploughing via the rear anchors and have a good seedbed thanks to the NXT final module.
Price: 91420 $
Needed Power: 340 HP
Working speed: 10 kph
Working width: 4 m
ma/ag NXT DiscHarrow:
Disc harrow for working the soil, equally capable on firm or tilled soil, or after plowing.
Price: 15690 $
Needed Power: 130 HP
Working speed: 15 kph
Working width: 4 m