Mecklenburg Vorpommern HotFix v1.1.0.2
Version HotFix
Green rye can now be mowed with direct cutting units (ONLY works in conjunction with maizePlus) otherwise grass will come out.
Hops could not be delivered to the Straulsunder brewery
PDA map completely renewed
If you play with Maize Plus, you should exchange the following file in the .zip of MaizePlus.
Download the maizePlus_bunkerSilo.xml and copy it into FS22_MaizePlusxml and overwrite the existing one.
This ensures that you can also unload silo alfalfa into the driving silo.
Required mods:
Multifruit harvester package
4-fold map Mecklenburg Western Pomerania
The time has come and you can now download version beta.
Beta because there will certainly be little things here and there that we may have overlooked.
Please take into account that only two people have converted this map into the LS22.
On the one hand me (Mario) and on the other hand DtP Thomas.
You can certainly imagine what work that was.
If not, here are a few lists of what was done,
The grass has been completely redrawn across the entire map
Fields have been adjusted
Textures on buildings have been improved
Some buildings were replaced or even made functional
All placeables were reimplemented and adapted
the folder structure has been adjusted
Various textures that were no longer needed have been removed
TipColisions have been recreated
Trees were completely replaced and mostly scaled (1 1 1)
Splines were re-laid and adjusted
The speed cameras have been adapted for the LS22
and much more.
This is only a fraction of what the two of us did on the map.
Well, this isn’t meant to be whining, we want to have fun with the great map.
If you find errors or have problems with the map, please post them in the following thread “Mecklenburg Vorpommern Bug Reports”
Here is some more noteworthy information about certain functions on the map
At Getreide AG you can start a “trial test”, which has no effect on the game (only for realism)
In the main yard you MUST fold down the gallows so that you can fill your syringe (see pictures with the Dammann syringe)
In all manure pits and lagoons, the tarpaulins visibly move with the filling level
The speed cameras on the map work (be careful, they quickly cost money)
The ground angles were increased to 32
The gates in the main yard have rotating lights that rotate when the gates are opened and closed
A large lake was created at the main courtyard in the direction of the school
Added lime and fertilizer for purchase in the harbor
Added seed production and liquid fertilizer production between field 22 and field 10 (where the manure lagoon is).
And here are the various buildings that are placed on the map
BGA driving silos
Gas stations
Pig breeding
Feed silo with pig feed
Farm silo
BGA scale
Manure storage
Sales stations
Grain AG
Bale sales
Purple baked goods production and sales
Stralsund brewery
Eggs Putthoff
Water filling stations (hydrants)
Dairy converted
Added grain mill
Old spinning mill
Seed production
We, the entire LS Treffpunkt team, wish you a lot of fun with the map