NF March 4x v2.1.2
Version 2.1.2
NF march logo on PDA map and map preview loading screen
Map is now better compatible with the dynamic field prices mod (thanks to Marko for the tip)
Changed cake weight and oil pallets
Sorghum reinstated as chicken feed
Cows and sheep can now also be fed with alfalfa and alfalfa hay
Pig feed can now also use rye, spelled and carrots
The Holstein cows give about 30% more milk
Collision on port building moved
Bridge to island (field 78) widened by about 25%
Replaced old building next to office building in village
Moved containers on the cheese factory premises
Fixed missing wheat malt in l10n_en.xml
Alfalfa should have slightly better performance again
Rye now grows a little taller
Ramps at the Raifeisen so that vehicles get stuck less
Added small missing field corner at Fed 31
Field 53 on the dyke smoothed out a bit
Lavender can now be harvested with Thresher and Corn Head again
Removed superfluous traffic sign next to the campsite
Earth can also be sold again at the nursery
Diesel prices slightly reduced again
Fixed floating car at gas station
Fixed water plane at field 57 and 80
Water plane moved to the south so that it can also be placed better on field 81
Map 2.1.2.
Fixed lamps at the bridge
On my homepage already available and now also on Modhoster and then probably on other mod portals. The map may be using my download link also on other mod sites.
For the map I still recommend my mod packs. Links and many info videos can also be found on my homepage.
The map offers among other things the following highlights
Fields then forest
On the NF Marsh there are 79 fields
Sizes 0.8 ha up to 95 ha i the total area of all fields is slightly over 1000ha of which about 140ha are grassland
Forest area
There are more than 150 ha of forest with countless trees which are mainly also suitable for timber harvester.
In addition to the standard fruits are new on the map rye, spelt, triticale and millet obstructed, as additional fill types there are on the map earth, sand and gravel
Who harvests much must also sell much. For this purpose, there are 16 different outlets on the NF Marsh 4fach.
On the NF Marsh Mod Map there are 3 different collectibles to search for. These include 10 pairs of Shelly shoes, 30 FA gold coins and 78 NF Marsh pallets.
For all collectibles, there are shelves at the vehicle dealer that fill up when the objects are found. There is also a bonus for finding all the objects in a category.
If someone can not find all the objects themselves there are on my YouTube channel appropriate help videos in which I show all the hiding places of shoes, coins and pallets.
Vacant areas
There are at least 15 vacant areas on the map which will surely be supplied with productions by me in the course of the next months
Mod Packs
In addition to the map download there are 2 other downloads and namely the Fed Mods Pack and a Fed Production Pack which I will introduce in another video, the two mods are first a summary of all my mods for the LS22
On the North Frisian Marsh it is windy and there a long-term investment in wind turbines can be worthwhile.
The wind turbines built on the map are practically only decoration and can be torn down after you have bought the land and replaced by the NF Marsch windmill
Fruit icons
All fruit icons are revised and look no longer so comic-heavy
Many XXL missions thanks to the map size and the field number
Ground textures
With a total of 18 times baren ground textures, everyone can design his yard and his environment suitable