VehicleInspector v1.95 Beta
The VehicleInspector is designed to give you a quick overview of your vehicles. What are they doing/what do they have loaded/which ones are active etc. etc.
Version 1.95 Beta
Fix viSetGet.lua: 582: attempt to call method ‘getAIRootNode’ (New AutoDrive Version)
In multiplayer and single player play.
MultiOverlayV4 Hud Ready
ATTENTION! some vehicle mods are not supported
Features: InGame Settings Menu. All optional adjustable. Join Vehicle by clicking on a vehicle in the display when you have activated the mouse. etc
View LS 22 KeySettings for MouseCursor On/Off (Default *F12* for all my mods) here
Not everything works and not everything is unlocked !
The variety of vehicles, trailers, etc. makes it impossible to test everything and every Constellation. That’s why BETA and that’s why a modder needs bug reports
Bug List for Current Version: Fix(next Version) Check Not Reproducible Info
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